One Call Accident Management Complaints Handling Procedures
Complaints Handling: Overview
Complaints may be received directly from clients or from third party representatives. In the event of any complaint the matter must be immediately referred to Andy Murfin or Harvey Chahal. It should be noted that every expression of dissatisfaction amounts to a complaint. Where any client expresses concern about the service, steps should be taken to resolve that matter and it should be treated as a complaint.
Any complaint received from a third party representative such as Trading Standards or the Citizens Advice Bureau should be immediately referred to Andy Murfin or Harvey Chahal.
Public Complaints Procedure
The following complaints procedure is made available to every client upon request and is published on the company’s website.
We strive to ensure that there should be no time that you should have any cause for complaint in relation to the service we provide to you. In the unlikely event that you wish to raise a complaint or have any other concerns with regard to the service we have provide you may submit a formal complaint. This procedure sets out the process which should be followed.
1. Complaints may be made in writing, by e-mail, by telephone or in any other form in respect of a claims management service that we have provided and that is regulated under the Compensation Act 2006. You should address your complaint to The Complaints Department.
2. We reserve the right to decline to consider a complaint that is made more than six months after you became aware of the cause of the complaint. There may be instances where we will waive this requirement at our discretion. We will confirm to you in writing if a complaint has been made outside the time limit that we are prepared to consider.
3. We will send you a written or electronic acknowledgement of a complaint within five business days of receipt, identifying the person who will be handling the complaint for the business. Wherever possible, that person will not have been directly involved in the matter which is the subject of the complaint, and will have authority to settle the complaint.
4. Within eight weeks of receiving a complaint we will send you either:
a) a final response (which must inform the complainant that they can complain to the Legal Ombudsman, the timeframe for doing so and full contact details for the Legal Ombudsman); or
b) a response which:
i. explains that the business is still not in a position to make a final response, gives reasons for the further delay and indicates when it expects to be able to provide a final response; and
ii. informs the complainant in writing that they can complain to the Legal Ombudsman, the timeframe for doing so and full contact details for the Legal Ombudsman.
6. Where we decide that redress is appropriate, we will provide you with fair compensation for any acts or omissions for which we are responsible and will comply with any offer of redress which you accept. Appropriate redress will not always involve financial redress.
7. If you are not satisfied with our response, or if a complaint is not resolved after eight weeks, you may refer the complaint to -
Financial Ombudsman Service PO Box 6806 Wolverhampton WV1 9WJ
Tel: 0300 555 0333
8. The Ombudsman review the handling of the complaint and can give a direction on further handling of the complaint. However, he cannot determine a complaint or award compensation.
The role of Andy Murfin or Harvey Chahal
Andy Murfin or Harvey Chahal will at all times be responsible for the investigation of complaints and where necessary input will be sought from other employees.
Andy Murfin or Harvey Chahal will retain a log of all complaints received and the outcome. A complaints file will be created for each complaint, reference to the log, and which will contain all communication with complainants, the actions taken to investigate the complaint, the findings and a copy of the final response to the complainant.
For Complaint, Contact us on
One Call Accident Management
Albion Trading Park
Unit 2 Holyhead Road
Postal Code: B21 0AF
Telephone: 0800 999 40 42
Fax: 0844 3576 937