“Fashion Photographer” or a “Photographer” – Insurance fraud or clever use of words?

The Insurance Fraud Task Force, an official body set up by the Government, has recommended that price comparison websites should refer “suspicious” activity to insurance companies. Fraud “games” in car insurance are being carried out by the manipulation of the data in order to achieve the cheapest quote possible and motorists are engaging heavily into this “game” to reduce their car premiums.The task force report found that up to a third of motorists believe it is acceptable to “omit or adjust data” to reduce their car insurance premiums.


However Go Compare, one of the biggest price comparison websites, said that “genuine and honest customers” who legitimately tweak their details to gain better quotes must not be affected. So the choice of words matter the most and when it comes to the insurers, they perceive high level of risk in job descriptions submitted by the people of same professions.


An example of the data choice or carefully using the words can been seen in the difference between a price quoted for “fashion photographer” and a “photographer” alone. A quote of £487 is given for a “fashion photographer”, whereas a “photographer” can save £127. People can also save 10 per cent by putting down “care assistant” instead of “nurse”.


Download the Insurance Fraud Task Force report here
