15 Mar
Self-drive Cars… Are They Set to Make a Killing?
We are heading towards a new era in automotive history. One which may redefine the very word Automobile.Somewhere right now on the desert roads of the Western United States, there’s a little car with a mind of its own and it’s not a Volkswagen Beetle... Continue reading
21 Dec
Warnings issued over ‘Frantic Friday’
Motorists are being urged to approach the roads with caution tomorrow, with so-called ‘Frantic Friday’ set to see droves of motorists share the road with last-day commuters. Continue reading
13 Dec
Who is at fault when snow or ice cause accidents?
Britain has been gripped by freezing temperatures over recent days, with schools across the country staying shut and experts predicting a weekend of ‘rollercoaster’ temperatures. Accidents out on the roads, pavements and pathways see a massive upsurge whenever we have snowy and icy weather. Continue reading
29 Nov
Cameras may catch speeding drivers, but what else do they do?
As well as snaring speeding motorists, cameras can catch you using illegal number plates, using your smartphone whilst driving and not wearing a seatbelt. Continue reading
24 Nov
Autumn is deer season – take care on the roads
If you do spot one deer whilst out on the road, remain vigilant as chances are more will be in the area. Continue reading