13 Dec
Who is at fault when snow or ice cause accidents?
Britain has been gripped by freezing temperatures over recent days, with schools across the country staying shut and experts predicting a weekend of ‘rollercoaster’ temperatures. Accidents out on the roads, pavements and pathways see a massive upsurge whenever we have snowy and icy weather. Continue reading
24 Nov
Autumn is deer season – take care on the roads
If you do spot one deer whilst out on the road, remain vigilant as chances are more will be in the area. Continue reading
10 Nov
Are winter tyres worth investing in?
Buying winter tyres can be regarded as a shrewd investment and can save you a great deal of time, money and worry in the long run. Let’s take a look at some of the main advantages to buying winter tyres right now. Continue reading
26 Sep
What irritates UK motorists the most?
Accident Claims
drink and drive
injury claims
National adverts
Road Safety
Traffic Updates
No Comments
A survey has revealed the biggest sources of frustration for motorists in the UK. The findings are likely to resonate with scores of drivers across the country and include middle lane hogging and failure to indicate. Continue reading
07 Sep
Rise in serious injuries on UK roads
Concerns are growing due to a rise in serious injuries occurring on the roads of Britain. The number of deaths on British roads during the second quarter of 2016 rose by 7% from the previous year,with KSI casualties rising by 3%. Continue reading