25 Nov
The unseen affects of personal injuries sustained in a road accident.
At One Call Accident Management we work with leading personal injury solicitors who will consider the impact of your medical care and provide you with full support with your serious injury claim. We work with injury solicitors based in birmingham, london and cover UK nationally. Continue reading
31 May
Will Collision-Avoidance Technology Lead to Cheaper Car Insurance?
Will Collision-Avoidance Technology Lead to Cheaper Car Insurance? Technology is going so fast these days that it won’t be too long before cars driven by people are a thing of the past. And with drivers will disappear almost all collisions as the vast majority of road accidents are caused by human error. Naturally… Continue reading
16 May
A Quick Guide to Accident Write-Offs and the Different Damage Categories
A Quick Guide to Accident Write-Offs and the Different Damage Categories  When you are involved in a traffic accident – could be in Birmingham, could be anywhere – and as a result make a car accident claim, you or your accident management company may very well be informed that your vehicle is a write-off.… Continue reading
06 May
Self-Driving Cars – Accident Risk or the Answer to Our Prayers?
Self-Driving Cars – Accident Risk or the Answer to Our Prayers? Every year, new cars are fitted with more and more automated safety features and crash avoidance technology. Many of today’s higher-range cars already have advanced safety features such as collision warnings, lane departure warnings, and blind-spot monitoring. It is now predicted that fully… Continue reading
15 Oct
West Midlands billboards campaign
As many motorists benefit from our one stop shop, One Call accident management wants more people to discover us. Rather than being a heavy sell, the campaign simply draws from the large number of testimonials we receive. One Call accident management is currently running a billboard campaign where we highlight the one stop solution for managing… Continue reading